Je ne suis ni courtier ni conseiller. Tout ce qui est publié dans ce blog ne saurait être considéré autrement qu'à titre de suggestion. Il vous appartiendra toujours de procéder à vos propres recherches avant de prendre une décision.

I am neither a broker nor a counsellor. All that is published in this blog may not be construed as anything else than a suggestion. It will always remain your responsability to do your own research before taking any decision.

14 octobre 2009

To all my Stockhouse friends/readers

It is with deep regret that I have to inform you that my Stockhouse account has been revoked as of tonite.

I personnally have been advised of the decision by a machine. The only reason given was that complaints were made to the fact that I redirected members to the present blog. Naturally, I wrote to them, to no avail yet. I also phoned them, just to be told that they only answer to paying members.

I am pretty sure the ''plaintiffs'' are in fact the competition being not so pleased by my giving away for free my picks for the next day.

So if you want me back there, send them a line and hope. Here is the adress:

Thank you for your concern/consideration.


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