Je ne suis ni courtier ni conseiller. Tout ce qui est publié dans ce blog ne saurait être considéré autrement qu'à titre de suggestion. Il vous appartiendra toujours de procéder à vos propres recherches avant de prendre une décision.

I am neither a broker nor a counsellor. All that is published in this blog may not be construed as anything else than a suggestion. It will always remain your responsability to do your own research before taking any decision.

29 novembre 2010

Pour demain / For tomorrow

FLWS 1-800 FLOWERS.COM, Inc. (FLWS) 2.08 +0.07 +3.48% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
AZ.TO Armistice Resources Corp. (AZ.TO) 0.47 +0.01 +2.17% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
FPX.V First Point Minerals Corp. (FPX.V) 0.81 +0.09 +12.50% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
GTE.TO Gran Tierra Energy Inc. (GTE.TO) 7.68 +0.16 +2.13% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
HDY Hyperdynamics Corp. (HDY) 3.11 +0.13 +4.36% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
MRNA Marina Biotech, Inc. (MRNA) 1.75 +0.13 +8.09% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
NEOP Neoprobe (NEOP) 1.90 +0.08 +4.40% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
NBIX Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. (NBIX) 7.14 +0.35 +5.15% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
OWW Orbitz Worldwide, Inc. (OWW) 5.44 +0.27 +5.22% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
ORE.TO Orezone Gold Corp. (ORE.TO) 3.86 +0.14 +3.76% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
PMV.V PMI Gold Corporation (PMV.V) 0.75 +0.05 +7.14% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
RPTP Raptor Pharmaceutical Inc. (RPTP) 3.89 +0.28 +7.76% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
RIO.V Rio Alto Mining Ltd. (RIO.V) 1.77 +0.08 +4.73% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
SU.TO Suncor Energy, Inc. (SU.TO) 34.69 +0.53 +1.55% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
VGZ Vista Gold Corp. (VGZ) 2.85 +0.02 +0.71% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
WTNY Whitney Holding Corp. (WTNY) 9.38 +0.22 +2.40% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET
YMI YM BioSciences Inc. (YMI) 2.06 +0.09 +4.57% 2010-11-29, 16:00ET

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