Je ne suis ni courtier ni conseiller. Tout ce qui est publié dans ce blog ne saurait être considéré autrement qu'à titre de suggestion. Il vous appartiendra toujours de procéder à vos propres recherches avant de prendre une décision.

I am neither a broker nor a counsellor. All that is published in this blog may not be construed as anything else than a suggestion. It will always remain your responsability to do your own research before taking any decision.

14 février 2011

Pour la prochaine séance /For next session

ACPW Active Power, Inc. (ACPW) 2.54 +0.17 +7.17% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
AMM.TO Almaden Minerals Ltd. (AMM.TO) 4.36 +0.62 +16.58% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
BMX/A.V Bellamont Exploration Ltd. (BMX/A.V) 0.68 +0.04 +6.25% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
DVR Cal Dive Intl., Inc. (DVR) 6.28 0.00 0.00% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
EE.TO Exall Energy Corp. (EE.TO) 2.08 +0.18 +9.47% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
HW.TO Harry Winston Diamond Corp. (HW.TO) 12.17 +0.59 +5.09% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
KOG Kodiak Oil And Gas Corp. (KOG) 6.49 +0.43 +7.10% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
MLNK ModusLink Global Solutions, Inc. (MLNK) 6.42 +0.12 +1.90% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
NML.V New Millennium Capital Corp. (NML.V) 3.91 +0.32 +8.91% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
NOX.V Niogold Mining Corp. (NOX.V) 0.36 +0.01 +2.86% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
PTV.V Petro Vista Energy Corp. (PTV.V) 0.20 +0.00 +2.50% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
SVNT Savient Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (SVNT) 10.09 +0.53 +5.54% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
TSYS TeleCommunication Systems, Inc. (TSYS) 4.59 +0.18 +4.08% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
VTR.TO Volta Resources Inc. (VTR.TO) 2.31 +0.07 +3.12% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET
WAVX Wave Systems Corp. (WAVX) 4.44 +0.36 +8.85% 2011-2-14, 16:00ET

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