Je ne suis ni courtier ni conseiller. Tout ce qui est publié dans ce blog ne saurait être considéré autrement qu'à titre de suggestion. Il vous appartiendra toujours de procéder à vos propres recherches avant de prendre une décision.

I am neither a broker nor a counsellor. All that is published in this blog may not be construed as anything else than a suggestion. It will always remain your responsability to do your own research before taking any decision.

30 décembre 2010

Pour demain / For tomorrow

DEXO Dex One Corp. (DEXO) 7.56 +0.17 +2.30% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
GCE.TO Grande Cache Coal Corp. (GCE.TO) 10.49 +0.61 +6.17% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
IMMR Immersion Corp. (IMMR) 6.41 +0.72 +12.65% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
ICO International Coal Group, Inc. (ICO) 7.84 +0.59 +8.14% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
MELA MELA Sciences, Inc. (MELA) 3.21 +0.18 +5.94% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
NEI Network Engines, Inc. (NEI) 1.49 +0.01 +0.68% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
NGX.TO Northgate Minerals Corporation (NGX.TO) 3.19 +0.06 +1.92% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
ORT/A.V Orbite V.S.P.A inc. (ORT/A.V) 0.86 +0.06 +7.50% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
OMI.V Orosur Mining Inc. (OMI.V) 1.25 +0.13 +11.61% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
PMCS PMC-Sierra, Inc. (PMCS) 8.56 +0.04 +0.47% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
SGP.V Sienna Gold Inc. (SGP.V) 0.25 +0.03 +11.36% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
TWD.V Trade Winds Ventures Inc. (TWD.V) 0.42 +0.02 +5.00% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
TRR.V TRELAWNEY RESOURCES INC (TRR.V) 2.87 +0.14 +5.13% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET
WOF.V vWoulfe Mining Corp. (WOF.V) 0.28 0.00 0.00% 2010-12-30, 16:00ET

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